Policy of the Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Progammes (IDEP)
The aim of the Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes (IDEP) is the most effective management of European funds for their use by legal and natural persons active in the field of education and training.
This is ensured through:
- Timely and effective information to stakeholders on the individual programmes managed by IDEP.
- Continuous training of staff at all levels, both in matters relating to programme management and in matters of service, administration and operation in general.
- The direct and friendly service of the interested parties by the staff, both at the stage of expressing interest in the programmes and at the stage of their utilisation.
- Providing the necessary resources, whether it is human or equipment, to carry out the work.
- Ensuring a suitable working environment for staff, including infrastructure and equipment, thus ensuring a comfortable and functional workplace.
The above objectives are implemented through the quality management system implemented at the Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes (IDEP) which complies with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001. The management of IDEP, always having as its main concern the satisfaction of its stakeholders, is committed to the systematic implementation of the quality system and its continuous improvement.
In order to achieve effective and continuous improvement of the quality system, IDEP identifies, analyses and takes corrective and preventive actions for incidents identified in the system either through stakeholder complaints, stakeholder and staff suggestions, internal audits carried out systematically, the evaluation of IDEP’s suppliers and administrative reviews.
Health and Safety Policy
The Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes (IDEP) is active in the management of the funds granted to Cyprus by the European Commission for the participation of Cypriot beneficiaries in European Programmes in Education, Training and Sport.
The Management of the Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes (IDEP) declares its commitment to establish and implement an appropriate Safety and Health (S&H) System in the workplace, in order to create a safe environment for employees, subcontractors, partners, visitors and other persons affected by the activities of the Organization.
The Management of the Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes (IDEP), is actively involved in the establishment and implementation of the A&E System, in order to create a positive culture through:
- Providing a safe and healthy working environment.
- Ensuring that the infrastructure is maintained and that appropriate work equipment is provided, which is safe and does not endanger anyone's health.
- Ensuring that the H&S System is integrated into the Agency's operational processes
- Ensure communication channels for H&S issues internally, externally and at all levels of the organisation's operations.
- Encourage employee participation and consultation on H&S issues and support the Safety Committee.
- Providing adequate information, guidance, training and supervision, where necessary, to ensure that workers and other stakeholders in the workplace are provided with H&S.
- Creating safe means of access, both inside and outside the workplace.
- Compliance with the requirements of the Written Risk Assessment (WRA) and implementation of the immediate measures recorded therein. In addition, the extent of implementation of the H&S Management System and its compliance with legislation will be reviewed annually.
- Designing processes, while implementing actions, to reduce threats and seize opportunities in H&S issues.
- Positive engagement and actions to continuously improve performance on A&E issues.
The Management of the Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes (IDEP) is committed to the implementation of the Cyprus Legislation and the Community Framework on Health and Safety issues, in order to prevent any accidents, dangerous incidents and occupational diseases and to provide all the necessary resources to achieve this objective.