
Complaints policy

The Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes (IDEP) receives written complaints or reports, which may concern any matter relating to the work of the Foundation, sponsored projects and/or the professionalism and conduct of its staff. Complaints must be submitted in writing via the IDEP’s website, by completing the relevant online form:

Upon receipt, the complaints/recommendations are investigated and IDEP takes corrective action if and when required.

The Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes (IDEP) is obliged to respond in writing to the complainant/reporter within one month from the date of receipt of the complaint/recommendation.

Therefore, if someone wishes to receive any response, the complaint submitted should not be anonymous. In such a case, the IMEP assures any interested party that it is committed to treating the complainant’s/reporter’s details in complete confidentiality.

However, if it is the complainant/reporter’s wish to remain anonymous, then he/she should ensure that the form provides all the information necessary to investigate the issue properly and effectively (e.g. organisation details, activity and sector under which it operates, project number, etc.).