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Foundation for the Management of European Programmes (IDEP) Lifelong Learning

The Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes (IDEP) was established by Decision 64.892 of the Council of Ministers, dated 17 January 2007, and registered with the Registrar of Associations and Foundations on 30 March 2007, under registration number 263. The Lifelong Learning Foundation is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors appointed by the Council of Ministers. The first Board of Directors was appointed by Decision 62.012 of the Council of Ministers on 7 February 2007. The operating costs of the Lifelong Learning Foundation are covered by funds coming from both the European Commission and the Republic of Cyprus through the General Directorate for Development, Ministry of Finance, which, by Decision 64.597 of the Council of Ministers of 9 November 2006, was designated as the National Authority for the Lifelong Learning Programme.

The main activity of the Lifelong Learning Foundation is the management of the funds granted to Cyprus by the European Commission for the participation of Cypriot beneficiaries in European Education and Training Programmes. The Lifelong Learning Foundation manages the Erasmus+ European Programme (Education and Training sectors), which provides support to activities in all sectors of Lifelong Learning (School Education, Higher Education, Vocational Education and Training, Adult Education). In addition, it manages the eTwinning School-to-School Cooperation Programme, and coordinates the work of the National VET Team of Experts (VET Team of Experts).


The objectives of the Lifelong Learning Foundation include the promotion of the objectives and policies of the European Union in the fields of Education and Training. The promotion of the above objectives is achieved through: